>WWIII prevent. #4021
Jesuits + 33rd Degree + Illuminati = Three World Wars
The First World War: To overthrow the power of the Czars in Orthodox Russia and bring about an atheistic communist state.
The Second World War: To originate between Great Britain and Germany. To strengthen communism as antithesis to Judeo-Christian culture and bring about a Zionist State in Israel.
The Third World War: A Middle Eastern War involving Judaism and Islam and spreading internationally.viii
Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy agrees:
Mazzini, with Pike, developed a plan for three world wars so that eventually every nation would be willing to surrender its national sovereignty to a world government. The first war was to end the czarist regime in Russia, and the second war was to allow the Soviet Union to control Europe. The third world war was to be in the Middle East between Moslems and Jews and would result in Armageddon.