If up to me, there would be ZERO TV in house - not even the damned set. As it is, relative loves their TV shows. Paid more for verizon because of OAN, and felt the higher $$ was worth it anyway because of the decent customer service & dependability.
Now, you're on hold FOREVER. Didn't use to be this way, so why pay more $$$ for it at ALL?
Broke down and looked at CommieCast's site and the nice pic heading it. Oh well. So much for even being curious, as we're not BLACK people. Since CommieCast only deals with black people due to the Popular Front tactic being enforced with vengance, what's left? AT&T whose "service" has always been rated even lower than CommieCast?
Don't see ONE concern ANYWHERE aside from POTUS over what's been happening to OAN. LONG for the day that every person has something they look forward to/use/ every single day STRIPPED away because that's the ONLY way people will EVER give a flying fuk about anything. We here may not "need" OAN, but how many of our own friends & relatives come here to be informed, therefore are informed?
Oh!but let somebody (such as The View) pick on Hunter's Boyfriend on faux and watch everybody attack The View & woop goldberg as if their lives depend on it.
This fuking Country's warped, addicted, self-absorbed populace doesn't deserve to be saved. It will over-eat itself on cheap china crap and its addictions to fakebook/MSM/mass "entertainment" and crap like fauxNO'news.
Jake Tapper, Racial Maddow, Jim Acosta, Andy Pooper… aren't OUR problem, people. Compared to faux, they aren't even POTUS' biggest problem. Their two dozen viewers aren't "Conservatives" looking to them for "info". How many more articles have to be posted here gloating about how faux is kicking all their asses in ratings?