is fox news baking or is it rob dew from infowhores? maybe even owen or lewmer?
>jack the prices up the highest they've ever been due to cutting american production
>manage to lower it a litter bit but still higher than when 45 was pres
>say people are saving money in a weak ass attempt to save face
these fuckers deserve to be hanging
little bit*
few drinks in
vey oy
faggot reverse psychology
israel and neocohens are definitely faggot but so is soft speak because you're too scared to offend anyone
fact is they are ugly, putrid, and fatasses
also if they would have been publicly shamed for that degenerate like the old days then maybe they would have taken the initiative to not be fat, putrid, and hideous by working on themselves rather than being lazy ass couch potatoes letting any crackhead off the street to come in and tingle their mangled clits
>getting offended because public figure finally called these baby killing goblinas ugly fatasses
>spade a spade
>talking about cuckservatives in the same breath
the absolute irony
you missed one
i find it funny the shill keep posting the same image over and over again begging for you's
ain't that a bitch
rothschild coin clippers create the fuckin' place then stick america with the bill like some bastards
you don't speak any truth faggot rainnigger
that would require you to quit fucking ben shapiro first nigger
wiggers making nigger music because that's how cucked white civilization has become to avoid being cancelled
many such cases