Anonymous ID: fcc993 Research lol that's hilarious this is a cult and you're all fucking retarded July 25, 2022, 2:49 p.m. No.16810405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0804 >>1266 >>1425 >>1824 >>1852 >>1876 >>1991 >>2701

Q is a bunch of vague riddles about as provable as Nostradamus who was also a faggot larper. I spoke to Q once on 4chan before he became famous lemme tell you, I told him to fuck right off with his gay riddles. He told me to trust the plan. There is no plan and you're all fucking retarded.


You see back then there were many people playing the larp that Q was playing, he wasn't even the first, he was just the best at it. It was the latest fad at the time that countless posters were pretending that they had insider information and dropping vague hints and clues and riddles. But people forget that, they weren't there. I was, and I'm telling you, this is all retarded and you can suck my dick.

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