Anonymous ID: 194afa Jan. 26, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.168184   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8194


the filename is "switzerland-davos-forumjpeg-08746_s640x432.jpg

the search times i used to find that photo/article were:

>george soros john mccain davos switzerland

i'm not sure if the filename holds a deeper meaning or not. i'm not one of the anons who analyzes the shit out of filenames

Anonymous ID: 194afa Jan. 26, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.168509   🗄️.is đź”—kun


ok, so the true source article for the "Soros = godfather" caption is actually here:



the article (written in 2014?) outlines connections between Soros (and his foundations) and McCain, Obama, and between McCain and Teresa Heinz Kerry. article text follows:


John McCain Hangs Out with Old Pal George Soros in Switzerland

by Top Right News on January 26, 2014 in 2016, amnesty, Border Security, Common Core, GOP, Guns, Immigration, Obama, ObamaCare, Politics


>picture caption – Above: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) talks with the Godfather of far-left politics, George Soros at the World Economic Forum in Davos on January 24, 2014. (Photo credit: ERIC PIERMONT/AFP/Getty Images)


by John Urban | Top Right News


As Republicans in his home state of Arizona were censuring him for supporting far-left policies like amnesty, John McCain was in Switzerland, reminding them why they were right to do so.


McCain met for a long and friendly conversation with none other than George Soros, the primary funder of the most far-left outfits pushing illegal alien amnesty, ObamaCare, Common Core indoctrination, and suppression of gun rights in America.


McCain’s support for amnesty for tens for millions of illegal aliens was a key motivator for Arizona Republicans to censure him in an unprecedented rebuke. Soros is a principal funder of the Center for American Progress and National Council of La Raza (“The Race”) — the largest non-profits on the left pushing for amnesty.


Soros was also the first and largest single contributor to Barack Obama’s campaign in 2007, driving tens of millions into his coffers in an effort to defeat then-“shoo-in” Hillary Clinton, who Soros deemed not “radical enough”. Soros has been called “The Man Who Made Obama”.




>picture caption – Above: Obama at an April 2007 fundraiser arranged by Soros, who is seated to the right of the stairs.


McCain and Soros also have a disturbing past relationship:


In 2001, McCain founded the Alexandria, Va.-based Reform Institute as a vehicle to receive funding from George Soros’ Open Society Institute and Teresa Heinz Kerry’s Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations.


McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections — until he was forced to sever ties with the Reform Institute after controversial contributions came to light.


This week, they looked like their old friendship was as warm as ever.


Arizonans — remember these pics in 2016, as McCain is hinting he may run for re-election yet again.2