Anonymous ID: 5a70bc Jan. 26, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.168463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I heard that the MSM is now trying to take peoples focus away from the Strzok/Page text msgs saying they are not important or crucial.


Let's remind the people and the MSM that it was Mueller who first FIRED Strzok from HIS team when these text msgs were discovered.


If the Special Council thought it important enough to fire him off his team, then there is definetly something in those "missing"/now recovered text msgs.

Anonymous ID: 5a70bc Jan. 26, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.168595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8607 >>8704

In seeing some of the memes coming out, I just want to state my opinion on what I'm noticing.


I think what needs to be addressed in our memes is "their fruits", i.e. their mind set, their words, their thinking, their agenda. What are the facts. Isn't that what Q wants us to show the people? The truth of what is going on in our country.


What we should never attack in a meme is a person's outward appearance or physical deformaty. I am seeing that in many recent memes. Please don't put up pictures of what you think a "feminist" looks like for example. A feminist can be skinny, fat, or in between. She can be an educated professor, business woman or man, or some stupid loser who just wants to live off the system and wants the status quo.


Just like all of us here fighting for the President and the MAGA agenda and nationalism and the rule of law and our constitution, we all come in many shapes, sizes, physical ailments/abilities, social status or level/lack of education, etc. We even come from both sides of the aisle.


Imo, we are not here to attack people's looks or attack them based on a physical handicap, we are hear to do what Q is asking us to do in order to wake people up, not try and hurt their feelings and then completely push them away.

Anonymous ID: 5a70bc Jan. 26, 2018, noon No.168836   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No, do NOT watch this video.


It is in Russian and it is NOT relevant. So first they say we are russian bots, now they want us looking at russian videos so they can say what? That we are russian spies or we are working with russia?


Please stop with all the youtube video suggestions!!!


BO - please consider putting this in the bread as to youtube video suggestions.


If someone wants to suggest a video/periscope, no matter what the format, they need to provide the following information at the least along with their post:

1.)What is the channel or who is the video posted by?

2.)Who is in the video - who is the subject, the interviewer, etc.

3.)What is the major subject about? What is being discussed/shared?

4.)Why is it relevant?


Anything else anyone wants to add to this?


The reason I think we need this is because there are obviously A LOT of shills here trying to get us off topic and clicking on videos that we don't need to be seeing just to get us wasting our very precious time and resources. If you are going to suggest a video, it better be damn relevant and not a trap. Anyone can then make their opinion about the video, but at least you will have some information prior to wasting time & resources in loading and viewing it.

Anonymous ID: 5a70bc Jan. 26, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.168927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8942 >>8962

There are a lot of positive Trump related posts on this hashtag #WEF18…


Our POTUS was a HIT!!! He even trended on #WEF18. He kicked elite butt @ Davos!!!


I am so proud of our POTUS!!!

Anonymous ID: 5a70bc Jan. 26, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.168962   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Yes, in fact the only ones still attacking him are the MSM. Some calling his talk of nationalism "rhetoric". All they can do is hurl insults, because they don't have any truth or logic or anything to stand on.