Anonymous ID: 3ca8e1 July 25, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.16814205   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4509


โ€œThe unity of government which constitutes you one people is also now dear to you. It is justly so, for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquility at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very liberty which you so highly prize.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆ designing men may endeavor to excite a belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. One of the expedients of party to acquire influence within particular districts is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heartburnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection.โ€

โ€œHowever combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.โ€

โ€œIt serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.โ€

it's already ded

Anonymous ID: 3ca8e1 July 25, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.16814311   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Protestors take over a sky crane in D.C.

1,932 views. Streamed live 40 minutes ago


4 women up on the crane with a giant banner.

15 blocks from the Capitol.

Protester chained himself to the entrance of the step crane.

Workers sent home.

Sign says, "Biden Protect Abortion".

Somebody just got shot 12 blocks from there.