Anonymous ID: 8d83f4 July 25, 2022, 5:33 p.m. No.16813831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3940 >>4153 >>4509

Maryland School District Requires Assisting Child ‘Gender Transition,’ Lying to Parents


Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools is requiring teachers and administrators to both facilitate a child’s “gender transition” and lie to that child’s parents about it, according to district-wide guidance.


The school district also appears to promote a parental reeducation plan for those who are “nonsupportive.”


Montgomery County employees are required to refer to a student by their preferred name and pronouns — the ones the student believes correspond to their chosen gender identity as opposed to the name their parents gave them and the pronouns that correspond to their actual biological sex.


Despite that, the guidance makes clear that the references to what the student prefers should not be made when contacting parents in an effort to hide the child’s gender ideation and the school’s facilitation of it.


According to the guidance, disclosing a student’s transgender status to parents may violate federal privacy laws, as it constitutes “confidential medical information.”


Under the “Communication with Families” section of the guidance, teachers and administrators are told they must ask the student’s permission to disclose medical information to the student’s own parents.


“Prior to contacting a student’s parent/guardian, the principal or identified staff member should speak with the student to ascertain the level of support the student either receives or anticipates receiving from home,” it states. “In some cases, transgender and gender nonconforming students may not openly express their gender identity at home because of safety concerns or lack of acceptance.”


In the case of “familial conflict,” it continues, “Student Welfare and Compliance (SWC) should be contacted” in order to develop a “student-led plan that works toward inclusion of the family, if possible, taking safety concerns into consideration, as well as student privacy, and recognizing that providing support for a student is critical, even when the family is nonsupportive.”


In other words, the student welfare office must be contacted in order to put parents and families on a reeducation plan presumably until they capitulate to the will of the school district.


A “Gender Support Plan” can be made with parental knowledge only “if the family is supportive of the student.” Otherwise, families are kept entirely in the dark about what their children are going through at school and how their schools are promoting gender ideology.

Anonymous ID: 8d83f4 July 25, 2022, 5:38 p.m. No.16813943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Western Leaders Currently


Everything we do is either


A. The peoples fault or;

B. Putin's fault


To fix this


The people must suffer for the decisions these leaders make


If you speak out about this you are a domestic terrorist


Those in power are the domestic and international terrorists