Anonymous ID: a076fe July 25, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.16814200   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Germany Labels Journalist 'Criminal' And Seizes Her Bank Accounts For Reporting From Ukraine


They closed her YouTube channel, blocked her PayPal account, and sentenced her to three years in prison without trial for interviewing Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas.


4 hr ago


A German journalist living in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region has been criminally charged by the German government for interviewing Ukrainian citizens and reporting her findings.


Independent reporter, 28-year-old Alina Lipp, moved to the Donbas area six months ago, where she transmits first-hand information to her audience in German, Russian, and English from her telegram channel.


Lipp claims she is only doing what any journalist would do — interviewing citizens and documenting what is happening around her.


The journalist explained she is “doing interviews with people in Donetsk and merely translating them into German.”


“I am simply filming everything I see around,” Lipp added.


She inquired rhetorically “what is it that’s illegal in that, or dangerous?”


The controversy around Lipp began in March when one of her videos explaining the history and the context of the war went viral.


In Lipp’s viral video, she said, “you need to understand that Russia has been asking for eight years that the Minsk agreement be upheld. Ukraine did not adhere to it, nor did they approach the Donbas region in an attempt to come to agreement.”


“Instead, they have been bombing the outskirts of the Donbas region for eight years. They are shooting at civilians, who now also have to live in completely shot-up houses. Very many people have died here,” Lipp continued.


In the video, Lipp alleged that the Donbas citizens who overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine in 2014 had been, “thankful that Russia finally did something”.