Anonymous ID: c4df43 July 25, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.16814146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army cuts high school diploma requirement to boost recruiting


New recruits are no longer required to have a high school diploma or General Educational Development (GED) certificate to join the U.S. Army if they’re willing to enlist before the end of the 2022 fiscal year, the service announced Thursday. first reported the Army announcement on Friday, which said individuals can enlist in the service without the previously required proof of high-school level education if they’re willing to ship to basic training before the end of the fiscal year on Oct. 1. Prospective recruits must still be at least 18 years, qualify for a job in the active-duty Army and score at least 50 points on the 100-point Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).


A score of 50 on the ASVAB is relatively low, though a score of 31 is the bare minimum to qualify for Army service in general.


The Army has allowed people to enlist at the age of 17 without having finished high school through the Future Soldiers Program, but they would have to finish their high school education or equivalent program before they could ship to basic training.


This change in requirements to enlist in the Army comes as the service has struggled in recent months to meet its recruiting goals. The Army and other military branches have been offering new incentives amid struggles in recruiting across the board.


In January, the Army was offering up to $50,000 in bonuses for new recruits to take on specialties that are in high demand, like missile defense crews, special forces, signals intelligence and fire control specialists.


On June 17, the service announced a new bonus incentive, offering a $35,000 bonus to ship within 45 days on a typical four-year contract in all career fields. The Army also announced a $10,000 bonus for recruits to sign on to a special contract that entails two years of service in the active-duty Army, followed by two more years in the Army National Guard or Army Reserve.


“Future Soldiers who have enlisted and are shipping in July, August or September are authorized to renegotiate their contract to ship earlier but they are limited to the training seats available,” Patricia Crowe, the Enlistment Eligibility Processing Division Chief with the U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) said.


Last week, the Army made yet another change to increase the pool of potential recruits and incentivize the retention of current soldiers by easing its restrictions on the types of tattoos a potential recruit may have upon joining.

Anonymous ID: c4df43 July 25, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.16814248   🗄️.is 🔗kun






This is all coming from the person who screamed at me to get off my ass and do housework when I was glued to the computer screen, day after day, night after night when Q was posting!


At some point2 years ago or so she started using Q-isms on her Facebook and twatter, not really knowing they were what I call Q-isms (future proves past, NCSWIC, it’s happening, etc).


This is an example of what is going on in my small part of the world. This is an example of, when I think back on Anons probing Q at the time, of what “our job” is to do to help get this ball rolling and see some accountability and/or justice.


Things move slow for sure!




I do believe there is no turning back now. We will beat the DS and more importantly EVIL and see it’s demise!

Anonymous ID: c4df43 July 25, 2022, 5:40 p.m. No.16814500   🗄️.is 🔗kun


False, 'no filters' was a reference to Q's message reaching to the world, bypassing fake news filters.

Q never said anything like "thou shalt not filter any shill piece of worthless garbage"