Anonymous ID: d532a0 July 25, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.16814148   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4304


Another business caught up ostensibly in the bigger scandal of which the game prizes are a tiny part, is Yucaipa Companies. Yucaipa owns 70 per cent of Golden State foods, one of McDonald's Hamburgers largest food suppliers. Yucaipa also is an investor in Simon Worldwide, Inc.


An interesting sidelight is how Rev. Jesse Jackson apparently pressured Yucaipa to reward Jesse's mistress, Karin Stanford, by paying her as a purported "consultant", ten thousand dollars per month. [See, Chicago Sun-Times, 1/26/2001.]


Some of the illicit dealings of Simon Marketing have come out in a suit where they and Coca-Cola are named defendants. The suit, pending in Chicago's federal courts also involved a fraud upon the court by Judge Blanche Manning hearing the case. The attorneys for Simon Marketing's liability carrier, referring to themselves as "attorneys for Simon Marketing", had originally stated in Court in the lawsuit, that they did not know of Cyrk. Later, the same lawyers, exposing their false prior statements, said they DID know of Cyrk.


[To understand more about McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and DDB Chicago their advertising agency, visit the prior parts of this series.]


It should be obvious from the details of those that have overseen McDonald's Hamburgers and Coca-Cola's advertising and marketing agenda, that such entities and their top officials most likely were in a position to be aware of the criminal mess confronting McDonald's marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing.


In further parts of this series will be detailed how the McDonald's "embezzlement" scandal is really the dope rackets of the U.S./Colombia dope cartel. See "The Chandra Levy Affair, Part Two" as to dope king Carlos Lehder and his business partners the Bush Family.



When the details are all laid out, it would be obvious the scandal reaches all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Fraud Upon The Chicago Federal

Appeals Court And The US Supreme Court

September 22, 2003


There is one subject lawyers do not generally study at all.



That is, Fraud Upon the Court, implicating the Judges themselves. After all, lawyers are Officers of the Court, pledged and sworn to uphold and respect the Courts. Corruption and bribery, involving the Judge themselves, are a rarity; and lawyers do not wish to get caught up in it.


The biggest judicial bribery scandal in American history was caused by me as a non-lawyer, self-educated in Law. In 1969, in a little-known or understood procedure, I invoked the same directly confronting most of the Judges on Illinois' highest state tribunal. Instead of denying the accusations, the Illinois Supreme Court ordered a local Judge in Chicago to grill me as to how our group, of which I am the Founder and Chairman, since 1963, goes about investigating court corruption.



That is, the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts.


If I did not detail our methods, I was informed, I would be sent to prison for a judge-invented offense, created out of the mists and vapors of antiquity, called contempt of court. It was an extreme burden and jeopardy thrown upon me.


pt 27

Anonymous ID: d532a0 July 25, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.16814363   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Voat anon. Something BIG got found in the Judith Barsi Pedowood case. Make this shit viral.


Due to finding what appear to be police accounts of what they saw that day (Josephz Barsi’s body was unburned, no evidence of thermal damage inside the garage) and digs into gasoline fire physics, I have uncovered the smoking gun that flat out destroys the murder suicide narrative.


The shorthand: It only takes two seconds post igntion for the full fireball and bang to happen in an enclosed house at worst, meaning it would have been impossible to light the fuel -close door -> fire gun without evidence of thermal damage to “culprit” and garage. Witnesses only heard ONE bang. If the narrative is true, there would have been TWO.


Thus the crime scene was PRESENTED in a way that the officers on the scene (the dupes) would come to the “obvious” conclusion. He was already dead when the fire was started. Anyone who has read Tsumbihoroboshi hen knows the approximate type of rig I’m getting at in terms of how the fire was actually set.

Anonymous ID: d532a0 July 25, 2022, 5:40 p.m. No.16814491   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Wouldnt it makes sense….we all move to gold at the same time….


at the same time annpunce gold backed crypto.


POTUS also unveils the new gold dollar with his mug on it


anons get paid and shit….shills are so so jelly and sore they got it wrong!! ha ha ha…so dumb being a shill…