Anonymous ID: 19eba5 July 25, 2022, 5:53 p.m. No.16815450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5846

"Dem Security Breach"


This is Q+ letting 'them' know he's got the digital fingerprint evidence of all the 'puppet masters' controlling the Dem political power structure.


I wonder if China, Russia and others are helping POTUS eliminate a particularly bad bug in what would otherwise be a much MUCH better worldwide engagement of every living thing that found itself living human lives and not consuming itself by trusting a divisive nwo logic not only intended but axiomatically structured to motivate self-consumption as a means to weaken people without using standing armies?


What if the true history of humanity was that 'control' just took another form from physical concentration camps to…getting people to do it 'willingly'?


In order to control bodies, which humanity was 'transcending' as insufficient to legitimize syntactical/interface HIERARCHY of total conformity or else your physical architecture is destroyed, because those who were victimized with the physical control got smart and took control of physical to themselves (science), so the control went from physical and informational, to informational of a 'new' (old) logic.


Division at source ain't a new song, humanity has 'heard' it before.


The 'control' took the form of needing to INJECT the people with enough garbage dialectic implementations of narrative, and repeat it enough times from enough 'independent' sources, so as to 'lead' humanity in a sick ritual of celebrating and protecting to the point of death threats to stop the truth from being known 'publicly', form of 'power' over people, who were shamed and slandered and smeared as this or that or anti this or pro this or anti that, accusation after accusation as if the ontological burden is on the 'weak' or else their trust being manipulated is to prove to OTHER human beings as something other than what would otherwise be a healthy individual with ZERO SELF-CONSUMING which logico behaviorally cannot result in anything other than outward hostile views of innocent reality, like children, and total non reciprocality of even declaring acknowledgment of information objects as they are?


Election fraud on tape with geotracking tech, same tech used by the FBI that the Dem's are SOURCING as their 'evidence' AGAINST Trump Jan 6. Kek


Witnesses not even allowed to speak at these show trial shams seeking to cover up crimes against humanity?


This feels like ultra Maga time.

Anonymous ID: 19eba5 July 25, 2022, 5:54 p.m. No.16815831   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So you support deleting posts from boards?

Why is the B post a problem? It's not even pretending to be a Q post.

Q posts were also not edited.

If Q comes back and uses that board, Q can easily delete it. So what's the problem?

I would let Q decide, it's Q's board after all.