Anonymous ID: 74f3c7 July 25, 2022, 5:54 p.m. No.16815818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5901


TY anon, just watched it. I think Kash means at this point in time?

Am I right in thinking there WAS a method(?), but certain things would have to have happened at the right time (e.g. sending the votes back to the legislatures - per PDJT) which obviously didn't happen as the game is rigged so hard, with so many DS players in place.


It seems from the last steal, that the DS were looking at PDJT's vote count and then adjusting Bidan's to beat those - if enough people DO vote for Trump next time, then the totals just become so ridiculous that fuggery is moar than obvious next time to the point where certain parties cannot just ignore or obfuscate.


The above is a 'normie' take on the situation, not withstanding that patriots are in control