Anonymous ID: 93583a July 25, 2022, 6:03 p.m. No.16816481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6782 >>6981 >>7070 >>7442

so regardless if pf are glowniggers or not, i don't see how nobody is connecting the dots here

antifa, blm, and the entire left were allowed to riot, loot, and burn down businesses all across america during djt's term yet were largely allowed to go free and in most cases very few were actually apprehended for doing actual violent shit and the media non-stopped called him a dictator yadda yadda

yet now that the left is supposedly in power, they've weaponized the entire police force and doj to go after their political enemies, and arrested a whole group who portray themselves as the right while the media is all but silent

they've, pf, clearly been vocal about not liking the smolhats which is no surprise why certain faggots here scream reeeeee, feds, fbi, same old shit..because you know, it's not like the adl or aipac or the splc or all the mossad media doesn't send their people here to prevent any kind of nationalist or america first sentiment

last i checked, free speech is still free speech and have seen no violence on their end