Anonymous ID: 419584 July 25, 2022, 6:29 p.m. No.16819520   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Petrol and Price Rant

Price is a Ration….

Think about it…..

No one has to "ration" per se. Just raise the price.


At this time, one little fucking pin prick such as Iran acting up etc etc could push shit to $200 - $250 a barrel real quick and if more problems or the existing problems are not "fixed", this new level could be sustained indefinitely.

Since approx. $20 a barrel equates to approx. $1 a gallon before taxes, on average,

$10 or $12 a gallon could be a reality in the U.S. yet for how long? who knows, let's see what happens in The Storm.

Potential for shit loads of demand destruction, demotivated producers et al = a domino effect that could last for years, so what if it eventually goes down to $1 a gallon when the average joe does not have a job, a car, a house, a dollar?


Fracking saved us albeit sadly it seems it was only a temporarily fix yet what isn't really?

The EROEI of Fracking will never be even close to Petroleum yet here we are.



"How many barrels of oil are used per day?

EIA uses product supplied to represent U.S. petroleum consumption. In 2021, the United States consumed an average of about 19.78 million barrels of petroleum per day, or a total of about 7.22 billion barrels of petroleum. This was an increase in consumption of about 1.6 million barrels per day over consumption in 2020.Mar 9, 2022


How much oil is consumed in the United States? - EIA › tools › faqs › faq

Search for: How many barrels of oil are used per day?

How many barrels of gas are used per day?

How much gasoline does the United States consume? In 2021, about 134.83 billion gallons (or about 3.21 billion barrels)1 of finished motor gasoline were consumed in the United States, an average of about 369 million gallons per day (or about 8.80 million barrels per day).Mar 15, 2022"


This ratio of 44% 7.22 Billion barrels being turned into 3.21 Billon barrels of Gasoline is not optional and very little can be done to squeeze more than 44% at this time. 44% is down from historical highs of 47-49% in the past when most petrol was lighter and sweeter = yes, contrary to ABIOTIC OIL FLAT EARTHERS "theories"….. in most basins, well established basins, we are reaching the middle and bottom of the proverbial "Barrel".

Most of what remains will be harder to get, harder to refine et al. lest some "new" tech is found and or released that will once again "Save" us from our LIQUID FUELS problem. EV's are most definitely NOT the answer unless we wish to embrace Nuclear because most of the worlds electricity is still provided by fossil fuels.


99% in the hospital.

Hold Anon!