Anonymous ID: d8e5cf How fucking funny is this shit July 25, 2022, 6:13 p.m. No.16818283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8286 >>8311 >>8761 >>8892 >>9193 >>9441

Ya know I'm not tryna namefag or famefag or whatever the fucjk shills call it, but I need a moment.

Can I just shitpost real quick? Ty

I've been sick for the past 10 fucjking days (probably coofid) and I just really didn't have the energy to sit hunched over muh laptop baking like I usually do.

But in that time I've done a lot of reflection, and I've also spent a lot of time on /pol/

And I just wanna say this is some seriously epic top tier keksimus maximus stuff going on right now right here on these wacky boards

It's far too epic for me to explain really, so IDK what I'm trying to say, I guess this is a bruh moment

But BASICKULLY uhhhhhhhhh, mf uhhhhhhhhhgghhghhhhhhh the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mf with the uhhhhhh


It's just one of those things, ya know?

Anywho, cope, seethe, dilate, etc

Love you all


death to all shills