Anonymous ID: c2d9e7 July 25, 2022, 6:34 p.m. No.16820151   🗄️.is đź”—kun



>She was born a slave in 1834 Montgomery County, KY … Her financial freedom and stature as a national spokesperson enabled her to become a leading advocate against poverty and in favor of equal rights for all Americans. She maintained her job until her death in 1923, at age 89. This was a remarkable woman, and sadly she has been ERASED by politics. I wanted you to know and remind you in this cancel culture time period.






But same principle as feminists doing the cabal's heavy lifting for them for over a century, diligently aborting their babies, smoking and drinking like sailors, and dying alone and unloved in the name of Female Emancipation… only to be Thanos-snapped out of existence in seconds, once they'd served their use. The trans activists are already beginning to overwrite historical women as trans men, soon there'll be nothing left. Maybe she'll be be brung back as Uncle Jemima?