Anonymous ID: 730e0c July 25, 2022, 6:40 p.m. No.16820672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0995 >>1089 >>1176 >>1233



Saving humanity means moving the best of us forward. Aristotle talked a lot about the necessity of some form of Eugenics (breeding strategy) otherwise the whole herd gets compromised.



Good show with some serious IRL mass murdering (vaccines, gangs), raping, and pillaging. We never needed the precipice, we needed a fucking intervention. Show the sheep what precipice? They'll fall back asleep again. Try to teach a pig how to fly and it just ends up biting you.


Remember Trump giving the story of the snake? How ironic that he ended up being the snake. And you all will keep getting bit and still fall for it. NOT EVEN TO DARE QUESTION HIM. You deserve what you get.

Anonymous ID: 730e0c July 25, 2022, 6:40 p.m. No.16820941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1263



The Spanish Crown, the French Crown, the English Crown…all placed on the heads of Monarch by priests of the Catholic Church. The Church Crowns the Monarch…aka the Church creates monarchies.


The Church via the Unam Sanctum claimed the title of King of the Earth, with the power to makes subordinate Kings and to enslave and tax populations. The power of the Pope built the entire Satanic system that we currently live in. The idea of paying taxes to "the authorities" comes from the book of Numbers, where the tribe of Levites (the priests) did no real work, but kept the fictitious legal system intact, and thereby profited from the labors of the other 12 tribes…by the orders of Moses, their "King".


Your Birth Certificate is a defacto Cestui que trust on your Strawman, wherein until you make your proper claim of beneficiary, and therefore soverign, you are a ward of the State, and subject to the jurisdiction of the State. The "States" inherited their titles and authority to enslave (13th Amendment style) from the English Crown (in the original 13 colonies) which derived their claim to enslave from the Vatican.


Think about it. Do you really want to be a federal "citizen" of a Roman penal colony, and subject to the jurisdiction of the administrators of that colony?