Anonymous ID: d538c4 July 25, 2022, 6:40 p.m. No.16820793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1298



>that's why we're anon; why would be care about Id?

In some cases, id is relevant.

For example someone could claim to be Jim. It would be important to know if it's actually Jim, or not. That's why ##administration and/or voice for id.


I still don't know who is actually behind that IP hash, just like I don't know who is behind what userid. Someone claimed to be Rusty some weeks ago. Wouldn't be it be nice to verify that claim?


Even the DJT posts from mid 2019 are not 100% for certain, because id via photo, which can in theory be from some other time, highly likely that they were authentic.