Anonymous ID: b7b5cd July 25, 2022, 6:47 p.m. No.16821739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913



When I was in the service, moving nuclear materials required specialized training and was only allowed via "armed road train" due to treaties. We had specific orders, we stop for no one, no thing and you had to clarify you understood you kill anyone in your path to include family members.


So what was on the plane?

Anonymous ID: b7b5cd July 25, 2022, 6:48 p.m. No.16822059   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yawn on the ad hominem. Moving on.


>what? just because they didn't ID with an SS number, that's what counts in your book?

How does the state define who it has jurisdiction over?

Are the unborn considered aliens until naturalized?

The fuck are you saying?


>For all of history it was assumed that babies could feel pain. Duh right?

Very much not the case.

Granted, people made up all sorts of shit about things they didn't understand back in the day.

Lightning cuz Zeus, amirite?


What I was getting at had to do with the physical development of the embryo into a fetus.

First you need pain receptor cells.

Then you need nerves to relay that stimuli.

Then you need a central nervous system, or at least a spinal column, to relay those signals to.

Then you need a brain connected to that system that can process the pain signals.


That's around 10-12 weeks, assuming you can pinpoint the nut that caused the baby. Sometimes you're at a guesstimate.


I don't hate the Mississippi law, but I prefer the Florida/Virginia 15-week standard because people don't know shit and are less than honest about big things.