Are they done having their tantrum yet?
Someone sure pissed in their cornflakes. I owe them a beer for that.
Yeah, but they're dumb and impotent.
Do you think this form of racial goading will have a different effect than the standard racial goading that's spammed you? You're dumber than the black guy you're trying to make fun of. Silly faggot.
The shills are scared to engage us. They know we'll beat them senseless.
Here shilly shilly shilly. Come here, shillie.
You wanna smell my fart?
> The final Q was a real one to confirm the 0 delta as well.
Dumb cunt is you, and you are dumb cunt. How do, dumb cunt? Is your cunting successful?
Are you that simple minded that everyone that doesn't think like you is Jewish? How many times were you dropped on your head when you were a baby? I don't care what you hide behind, you're evil. You're the evil that Q told us about. And you're losing daily. DAILY! How does that feel to lose all the time? I'm genuinely curious.
Your evil is showing.
Perhaps, but you're exactly like all the other evil on display.
Smoke 'em if you gotโฆ Smoke 'emโฆ Just you know, smokeโฆ C'mon, man, just got 'em if you smokeโฆ No that's not itโฆ Repeat the line.