Anonymous ID: 1fe366 July 26, 2022, 12:48 p.m. No.16828501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1409


What distinguishes the current structure of Western countries from the past?


The fusion of the worst of liberalism with the worst of collective socialism. Today we see, after two years of the pandemic farce, how globalist liberalism has made use of communist and dictatorial methods to impose itself with its Great Reset, and how the communist regimes are using liberal methods to enrich the upper echelons of the party without losing total control over the population. This demonstrates that the geopolitical balance is shifting towards a multi-polar vision and that bipolarism fueled by the deep state is in decline.


Is there any analogy between what is happening in the Catholic Church under the pontificate of Jorge Mario Bergoglio?


The deep church is an offshoot of the deep state, in a certain sense. For this reason it should not surprise us that we are witnessing the demolition of Faith and Morals in the name of ecumenism and synodality, applying liberal errors in the theological sphere; and on the other hand the transformation of the Papacy and the Roman Curia into a politburo in which ecclesiastical authority is both absolute and also released from its fidelity to the Magisterium, following the modalities of the exercise of power in a communist-type dictatorship. The law is no longer founded on Justice but rather on the convenience and utility of those who apply it: it is enough to see how harshly the clergy and faithful who are traditional are treated by the Vatican, and on the other hand with how much indulgence the Vatican praises notorious pro-abortion activists (I am thinking of Biden and Pelosi among the most striking cases) as well as the propagandists of LGBTQ ideology and gender theory. Here too, liberalism and communism have formed an alliance to demolish the institution from within, just as has happened in the civil sphere. But we know that contra legem fit, quod in fraudem legis fit – that which circumvents the law is done against the law.


Your Excellency, how do you think things in the United States can change in the near future?

Anonymous ID: 1fe366 July 26, 2022, 12:49 p.m. No.16828802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I am going to identify every single document that they blocked from being declassified at the National Archives and we are going to start putting that information out next week


100% habbenig right NAO?