Yeah that's right. Did she get to live?
Antifa terrorists and other commies are just going to report them all.
They are going to get a lot of cops killed, and a lot of gun owners who trust cops too much shot.
The people to scared and cowardly to save school children from a single shooter are always going to be quick on the trigger when put into a scarier situation that they can't run away from. Anyone who would follow unconstitutional orders to disarm a law abiding citizen deserves what's coming.
Good hunting Cali anons i pray you win your quickdraw. Have an exfil plan and a wish list for after, unless you really want to rot in a corrupt govts. jail.
>farms and food processing facilities being destroyed
Why Are So Many Farms And Food Processing Facilities Going Up In Smoke?
Posted on June 13, 2022 by Gary
As discussed in the few articles referenced below, there has been an unusually high number of devastating fires breakout recently in food processing companies this year. While only three have been noted here this year, the actual number is very high and makes one ask, what the hell is going on here?
Another Bizarre Fire: Tens of Thousands of Chickens Killed in Massive Farm Fire In An Egg Processing Plant In Wright County, Minnesota
Supposed “Accidental Fires” Continue to Happen at Food Processing Facilities All Over the United States
JD Rucker: Speculation Grows That Rash of Food Facility Fires Are Intentional – There have been more fires and other major accidents at food processing facilities in the last few weeks than in the previous decade
It is scary when you realize how many fires there have actually been since the middle of last year.
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