Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 3:06 p.m. No.16837808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7814 >>7893 >>7965


JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES Published July 25, 2022


Subtitle: We are the chosen

-This transcript may take more than one post-


For I the Lord this day am telling my children to start taking authority over ever situation in your lives;

for taking authority over the situations in your cities, over your nations…

My children, I have given you my name, I have given you my written word, I have given you the armor you have needed for this battle and every battle;

get in my presence and I will let you know who you are with me;

you are not alone;

you are not abandoned;

you are not weak;

you are not without;

No, I have left you with everything you have needed to defeat your enemy and anyone he chooses to use;

They are all losers, and they will go down as losers, for all eternity;

You think it was harsh what I did against Pharo and all of his men in the Red Sea, what I am about to do to these world leaders is much bigger than that;

oh yes, when I am done, everyone will know that I am still the most high God and there will be no denying that;

Oh yes, Satan will lie and decieve people, but the peoples blinders are removed so they will be able to choose what report they believe;

My children, things are changing, things will continue to intensify, things will occur that will bring shock to most of this world;

An eruption is about to take place that the world has not seen quite like this before;

Stagering information is about to be released that will cause an uproar in this nation;

For I the Lord this day am telling my children to start taking authority over ever situation in your lives;

for taking authority over the situations in your cities, over your nations…

My children, I have given you my name, I have given you my

Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 3:07 p.m. No.16837814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7819 >>7893


>We are the chosen

Oh United States, one government will fall and another is coming to replace them, a government that I have chosen for a time such as this that is coming like a freight train that is coming to destroy the power of this fake and fraudulent government, says the Lord of Hosts;

Caos will consume some people because of what is going on in this world;

a civil war it will appear like and try to break out but it will come to nothing because their power is nothing;

For I am the Great I AM and there is NONE Like Me and your enemies plans are coming down now so keep on SHOUTING THEM DOWN, my children, it's working and it will start to speed up in these days;

CRY mighty WAR CRy and watch all these things against you turn, shift and turn arounds will begin, miracles will start to happen, MY blessings will begin to manifest more and more in your lives;

MY blessing is an empowerment that will cause you to rise above everything that will try to hold you down;

Remeber my words, the principalities in the air above you have been defeated, there is less interference now, so pray like never before, believe like never before;

I AM here for you, and your lives are about to change in ways you never thought possible, these are the days you've been waiting for, so brace yourself for what is about to take place that you could never have imagined;

Donald Trump, my son, do not doubt me, and do not doubt what I will do for you;

I will protect who you love, and I will protect this nation from what you are being told could be the worst case scenerios, this will not happen;

I will not allow your enemies to go that far;

I know it is hard to imagine less casualties in a situation like this, but I have done this in my word before, my son go to second chronicles 20 in my written word and read what I did for my people;

the enemies fought each other and NONE on my side were lost;

this is possible, get in prayer with me, surround yourself with people who can pray with authority, who will lead you in the right direction;

Donald, you have had people surrounding you who have purposely given you bad advice, some who were sent to sabotage you;

I will reveal the ones who were left, I will tell you who to have near you during this time;

Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 3:08 p.m. No.16837819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822 >>7893


>>We are the chosen

My son, it is GO time, so GO and I will be with you;

I will be with this nation, you are a part of the NEW United States, I have called you here for this moment;

I promise you, my son, I will not fail you, and I will not fail this nation;

I love you beyond what you could have imagined, everything stolen, everything lost you are about to get back in multiplication, my son, beyond your wildest dreams, I will restore and give back more;

I will shield your family, and no one will touch them, I have my Angel army surrounding you and your family in this time;

So go, and do what I have called you to do in this time and I will be with you, my son;

Thank you for your sacrifece and thank you for your obedience, thank you for not backing down and thank you for trusting ME despite what you have seen and what your enemies have tried to do to break you;

I will break them and all their plans, this is that time;

I will give you peace and rest like you've never known;

when you sleep I will come to you and tell you what to do, I am here and I will always be here for you, my son, saith the Lord of Hosts;

My children, your enemies are about to become scatterbrained, yes, that is what I said;

the more you are aligning with me and my words, your enemies will scatter, they will become more confused, these are the days of their confusion, these are the days you will see them fall in ways nmot known to mankind;

My nation of the United States, it is coming, a takeover, a takeback a restoration and celebrations like never before;

I told you that there would be another inaguration, it's special, and you will see why;

Oh, United States, the walls against you are gone, the people holding you hostage are themselves being held back, they can't do what they wanted to do next;

My children, listen to my words, it iwll look darker and more confusing for a short time, press into my word, there will be a silence, when you cannot here my prophets, but you will always hear me;

this blackout will be their fall and you victory, so do not fear this time, I will bring miracles, my wonders at this time, this is a time of restoration, healing and refreshing from the effects of the enemy and the damage they have caused against you;

Receive from me, expect more from me like never before;

My children, the changing of the guards is about to take place, get ready for this change, get ready for the transfer of wealth OUT of the hands of the wicked, I am giving it to YOU where it has belonged all along;

Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 3:08 p.m. No.16837822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7893


>>We are the chosen

BUT I will give it to the ones I can trust with it to use to bless the world;

YOU are to separate yourselves from those in the world and how they act and do that quickly, things are shifting now, saith the Lord;

Get used to hearing the word 'unusual' in your news, more unusual events will be more common in the next few months, what you know to be normal is gone, and life as you know it is about to get so good it will be like a dream, saith the Lord;

jen psaki is about to be in your news, oh yes, great exposures have begun, saith the Lord;

Adam Shiff is about to be exposeed, big time, a gret fall he will take in front of the world;

The house of representatives is about to be in the news, a great lie is about to be exposeed, the truth is being told and everyone against ME will lose their seat that they never should have had;

I told you bfore these are theives and liars and they are all about to get a hard dose of reality, you do not prosper when you steal and cheat, they will repay what they have stolen;

major events are about to take place in Washington DC and it will never be the same, saith the Lord;

Zelenski is about to fall, oh yes, he is about to WALK away from his powerful position, he can no longer keep it because I am removing him, myself, saith the lord;

Battlefield, this word will be in your news;

All eyes are about to be on Pennsylvania, a major erruption is about to take place, A LIAR HAS BEEN CAUGHT red handed and is about to shake that state;

Pensylvania, do not fear, I am here and your enemies will no longer hold your state hostage from the freedom that I have intended to take place in your state;

A turn around is about to take place and you don't have to wait until the mid-terms, sait the Lord;

Eziekiel, this name will be in your news;

the clock known as Big Ben will be in your headlines, I have told you that this will be a sign that what the royals have hidden can't stay that way;

I will say this again, the Statue of Liberty will be in your news and not in a good way;

Their monuments and symobolisms are about to fall all over the place, saith the Lord;

something significant is about to take place in NY, get ready my children, for change is coming like you wouldn't expect it to change in these ways, watch more leaders resign and watch some of them will die;

this is a time for change (indignations?) around the world;

time to celebrate my children, you are about to see me do things for you I have never done before like this in the world;

you've all been hand picked for this great exodus, so receive what the Lord has already done, my glory shall fill your homes like never before;

yes, changes are coming, ones you didn't expect, because I AM a God of surprises and I AM about to surprise the world, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 3:44 p.m. No.16838010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Normies and all of us are about to SEE shit we never thought possible, those who know will be OK; those who are asleep will be freaking out. Don't be the latter.

Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 3:47 p.m. No.16838026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8034 >>8055 >>8078


It doesn;t matter! All of their riches and fame will be wiped out! [they] don't believe it so [they] are doing all their cheats and scams to accumulate MORE wealth…[they] think that will protect them…from God…that's hilarious…

Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 4 p.m. No.16838108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8110

I cannot stop smiling.

God's hand, moving over our Earth, in this way showing who is good and who not so good…hahaha

just like the naughty and nice list huh?! Truth in the strangest of places.

I am so excited, and I pray over all of you, anons, who may not be as protected and remote as I, that you are safe under God's wing. I love you all.

Anonymous ID: 29a24a July 26, 2022, 4:06 p.m. No.16838132   🗄️.is 🔗kun


meh, [they] won't take that seriously, and frankly do not care what (you) think. What is gonna hurt them is TRUTH, so let's get some TRUTH out there trending, yeah!