Are your speakers rockin'? No? Here's something that could help.
>>16837565 (me)
Interesting. Let's try that again. That's twice now I've had videos not show up.
Positivity levels amplifying.
The fuck?
Pretty sure that's a Ligma.
Our words hurt them more than their bullshit does us.
What's in your pipe, anons?
>>16837818 (me)
FFS, when I forget the picture before pressing the Reply button that's when I know I need a break from the keyboard for a wee bit. Time to go for a walk and listen to an audiobook: Pharos, Book 34 of The Horus Heresy.
Reset my mind with a walk and an audiobook time. Now where the retards at?
knock knock
Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?
You had to IP to post the same thing? You're not as concealed as you think you are, no matter how hard you try to blend in.