can't find my mp4 or still shots of "refugees" swarming over border.
anybody got good ones.
i'm still searching my files
The shots like from a drone, where you see them swarm?
can't find my mp4 or still shots of "refugees" swarming over border.
anybody got good ones.
i'm still searching my files
The shots like from a drone, where you see them swarm?
figures. rumored for a long tiime
like the "Trump called Mexicans rapists" isn't the top rated reliable site?
they like to belittle themselves
as with Biden's station described as "Government Employee"
When did they ever close it?
yes they wan't to own all the images.
Images are valuable
no accident we're on an image board
something magical about images, they communicate in a way where the viewer can learn without being told.
no you don't
dont think they could actually arrest him, but they might try?
they would definitely try.
that would be civil war?
don't think it has to be tht way, no.
not at all.
we'll see.
they'll fail at this too
will never take him into custody,
they want to kill him.
they've tried that and failed
so no, he won't ever go into their custody
they want it but will fail.
he'll never be arrested.
they may try it. but they will fail
just as they did with all their lame impeachments and commission, and investigations and ag's appointed by soros
they are full-on duds
yes, that was a while ago already
called up and sent out.
at least as reported..
they were sent out for the covid
'conspiracy theorist' doesn't work anymore as a slur.
fbi , we know your scared.
we know you hate and fear black americasn
we know you killed mlk
you can't hide anymore
it's a virtue signal.
she's poor and lowly
not pretentious. humble.
like uriah heep, or eddie haskel (of fiction)
muhjew, joohaters got a new artist.
about time;
what wrong with your owners, cheapskates like what you pretend against Jews?
can't afford betters writers and artists
Oh that's right, haters have limited talent, and are limited in scope.
triggered the fbi poseurs
they're supposed to be so cool.
think of reality. pathetic monsters.
i thought that didn't exist, according to them?
she has to be un-distinguished
to be distinguished is to be 'privileged'
they want you to imitate her and become a zero.
she has to be un-distinguished
to be distinguished is to be 'privileged'
they want you to imitate her and become a zero.
and then drag the carcasses away?