Touch the things with our dirty goyim hands
You’ve misplaced your faith anon. That is all. It’s hard not to get our hopes up. We love our country and we’re emotionally invested in seeing her restored to what she once was, or at least what we think she nice was. The problem is we let that emotion sway us and, when some smooth talker(s) come along, and even with our critical thinking skills and BS detector’s fully employed, the right smooth talker(s) come along and we want to believe. The fact is, things are going to downward spiral into a NWO, a one world government, and a Great Tribulation. Our hope is in no Earthly man. Our hope is in Jesus Christ alone and His return to take His Church and, later, to defeat the AC is imminent. We can try to ally ourselves with others who we think have the same goals for our country that we do (e.g. Trump, Q, etc), but, ultimately, we willalwaysbe let down by our fellow man at some point.