Anon would need to see the source code in order to know they're not just faking it.
The dumb fucks at the Fed are always either too early or too late.
Makes sense because only market forces can reveal the information of the demand for money, and the Fed is a privately controlled monopoly totally immune to US laws.
No wonder we have the business cycle!
Cheney KNOWS it's unconstitutional for any President to 'order' the military to deploy domestically (that is the definition of a coup). By her own admission, Cheney has vindicated Trump of the very thing she has accused of since day 1, 'insurrection'
Stick a fork in Cheney's latest cringe attempt, it's done.
The odds of becoming ill may even be zero if you're dead from the vaccine.
Nope, profit motive is secondary to influence, because through the Fed -C_A -> cash infusion pipeline, they will intentionally operate at a loss if it means their true controllers can use them to blast op mockingbird narratives.
TruthSocial won't be suppressing the information. Twitter and Fakebook can't suppress TruthSocial. Or this site.
>'the exact circumstances remain obscure'
That wouldn't be the case if the virus WASN'T manufactured in the biolab in Wuhan.
CNN = Enemy of the People
Part time or full time Mr. Powell?
If Trump says
as Q did
Then the very next question would be
Then you have to think TIMING.
Would it make any sense to risk a war between US and Israel AND LOSE ALL CHANCE OF ABRAHAM ACCORDS FROM BEING SIGNED?
Timing is critical.
They can't risk a world war.
It has to be done in steps.
We can't coherently regard ourselves as past causally determined.
Only God can 'see' the causal path of determination in our thoughts and actions.
Nice try Satanist defender.
Animikii - Flies the Thunder
You're saying it's ok to be an evil non Jew?
Please confirm whether you believe non-Jews are free to commit evil.
>I never claimed to be God
Doesn't matter according to (your) own logic.
You're cavalierly labelling Anon as 'Jew' despite Anon never claiming as much.
You low IQ pedophiles can't stop contradicting yourselves.
Why do you keep pretending you don't have a choice to end your life if you want out of the world so bad?
Clearly there is a part or you that prefers life in this world than death.
So fix and reconcile your contradictions one way or the other.