yep.. he may be right.
Timelines converging means, collapsing variables.Did you really pay that bill, marry that woman, buy that car, go to that school ?>>16849564
I was over there when he was killed.
i wasn't awake yet though.
was he even a bad guy?
relatively anyway?
or was he a ghaddafi who was a good guy but was murdered by HRC for tons of gold and because he was going to make an african central currancy that wasn't controlled by the (((rothschilds))), , and he was stopping the immigration flood into Europe.
did we invade iraq just because kikes didn't like him? I know the oil in kurdistan went to a (((russian))) company and not to one of ours.
The WMDs were bullshit. killing babies and tossing them were bullshit.
Kurds told me in person that his gas attacks were real and pointed out a mass grave. It was unmarked and covered with gravel. I didn't dig it up to check i just took 5-6 guys word for it.
Bonus random fact. His palaces all had pools but they do the plumbing straight into the water instead of recessed like we do. so troops cut themselves on exposed pipes and fittings fairly often. Also had to drain and refill pretty often because of the ever present dust in the air.
>I am the board owner and I have no affiliation with HM.
Exactly, /hivemind/ does what Q research used to do, research Q shit, and you create school shooters. HUGE difference. Glownigger faggot.