maybe some are,
but likely there is real mixed in there too.
Joseph Smith was some kind of occultist, and it's based a re-do of FreeMasonry?
I found Joseph Smith's account of how and why he created his own Church, as well as the intense hatred he attracted really instructive.
Just because people hate them I don't have to go along.
In fact it makes me think there might be something there at that's why the intense hatred.
Sort of like what Trump brings up?
It always a tell for me when people are so passionately hated.
Check out the Fascia in the stage photo of "evidence" from 9/11
Check the clean cut on the aircraft wheel stem?
I check into those lampposts ; and they were older and not from around there at the time.
They can't help themselves from leaving clues. Like Batman's "Riddler"
They love to do that. They "get off" on it.
Most religious people don't completely follow their own teachings, from their Church
am i rite? ? That I've noticed anyway;
If a lot of people actually followed the teachings of the religions they claim to follow, world wouldn't be in this mess; or would it?