Anonymous ID: 40266d July 27, 2022, 1:04 p.m. No.16847303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7510 >>7513 >>7517 >>7752 >>7762




Happy 4th of July, independence day my very brave and righteous patriots anons and freedom fighters around the world.

We stride forward without a hint of pride as that is the original sin, a humble band of merry anons whose only mission is freedom from oppression and being held political prisoners of depots !!!

Let freedom ring out across this earth for us mortal anons!!!


Anonymous ID: 40266d July 27, 2022, 1:04 p.m. No.16847396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7754 >>7835 >>7870



SCOTUS Justices are Political appointees that are experts at doing their master's bidding and finding a reason in the constitution to justify the suppression of the very rights written into the constitution.


One only need to know how to read, to read the constitution and know what it says in plain language. But, one must have mastery of the corrupt judicial system to apply it within the realm of the legal system. This theory of the constitution makes The People slaves to their Judicial Masters who have the same Absolute Immunity from the Law as a King or Queen, while constantly finding loopholes to suppress people.


"Shall not be infringed" is pretty clear…except it's infringed in 10,000 different ways…because, muh Greek Letters after their name, a blackmail file that controls the puppets, and illusion of Justice perpetuated by the MSM.

Anonymous ID: 40266d July 27, 2022, 1:04 p.m. No.16847447   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I said to muh self

I will post a pray but say nothing >>16847333


If even one sanctimonious cunt dregs up his puppetmaster demon and makes some bs remark, I will take it as the answer to chillax,


And Viola a douchebag rushes in.


Less than 10mins.


Again thanks


Anonymous ID: 40266d July 27, 2022, 1:06 p.m. No.16847832   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Illegal Drugs, pot, RX drugs and gun ownership


Destroy & Take Over A Country From Within:


Greatest threats to their country from abroad, 53 percent listed drug trafficking & drug addiction.


Weaken the population and Military with drug addiction…bring in armies, mercenaries from other countries….army aged men invading USA now by illegally crossing our borders aided by the Obiden Adm. & bringing in army aged islamic refugees


Crime and personal security has become a crucial concern to most Citizens…Crimes linked to drugs & drug addicts


“Socialism not only takes away from people the access to basic food and medicines, but also creates an environment in which life is worth nothing,”


Venezuela’s fall from a free-market powerhouse to a poverty-ridden, socialist police state.


How Venezuela became a socialist country…


Chavez succeeded in re-writing the Constitution, which came with new rights to things like free government-provided health care, college, and “social justice”.


Chavez “stacked the courts”


“Constant attacks on private property, the implementation of very harmful economic policies, criminalization of dissent, censorship,


Thousands of private businesses were nationalized – including media outlets, oil and power companies, mines, farms, banks, factories, and grocery stores.


Chavez’s economic policies, caused massive food shortages and hyperinflation. And then controlled the amount of food citizens would get…even that amount wasn't available.


Citizens only spent their time trying to find food and medicines to survive.


The Venezuelan government justified the gun bans and confiscations by saying they were needed to combat the country’s violent crime and murder epidemic.


The poverty rate is 60%.

Children eat from garbage.

Families cook their dogs.

Doctors operate by flashlight during frequent electrical blackouts.

Violent Crime

Rolling blackouts

And if you complain…you might disappear or be shot by government-sponsored street gangs called “Collectivos.”


  1. To shape truth, control the media:


  1. To shape future generations, control the schools:


  1. To shape the political philosophy, infiltrate the government:


  1. To shape the sense of nationalism, dilute the culture and the language:


  1. To shape the economy, spend, spend, spend and tax, tax, tax: Destroy their economy


  1. Exploitable natural resources, corruptible and/or incompetent military


  1. Control a nation’s healthcare and you control the people.


  1. Enforce restrictions, regulations, fines and laws that eliminate jobs


  1. Increase the debt to unsustainable levels, then increase taxes and create more poverty.


  1. Confiscate guns so the people cannot revolt


  1. Take control of every aspect of people’s lives: food, housing and income.


  1. Separate people from their religion and ridicule it


  1. Divide the people with class & race warfare


  1. Fear



Eight ways to bring down a great country