all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.
The internal enemy believes this show is going to last 6 weeks? Anon says it will be lucky it it last one more week. It's terrible. Boring AF. Nothing but lies which no one believes.
>Hate Speech
wtf is that even supposed to be?
They hate 4chan and us.
So they are spreading hate speech.
And all they analyzed is retarded bot spam anyway.
No hate when actual /pol/ is discussing 9/11, or was fucking up "He will not divide us".
Some folks have no shame. Grift, incite fear, and shamelessly copy others.
oh oh grmupy old angry mean saggy decrepit defunt bag of bones on screamin and hostile
belligerent baby killer in chief
portraying self as scholar
sniff scholar
Maybe he will say precipice.
Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI To Provide Details on Officials Listed in Strzok Memo That Opened Spy Operation Against Trump
Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court has ordered the FBI to disclose additional details about FBI and other officials “cc-ed” on the memo used to justify launching the “Crossfire Hurricane” spy operation against President Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign. Judge Carl J. Nichols has given the FBI until June 16, 2022 to respond. The order comes in a September 2019 FOIA lawsuit Judicial Watch filed after the FBI failed to respond to a request for the memo, known as an “Electronic Communication” or “EC.” (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-02743)).
In May 2020, Judicial Watch obtained a redacted version of the previously secret memo, authored by former FBI agent Peter Strzok. The Biden Justice Department argued that there is no significant public interest in disclosing the names of officials “cc-ed” on the memo.
Judicial Watch filed a motion countering that claim and arguing that the public had a significant interest in knowing who at the FBI had knowledge of the memo and presumably approved the investigation.
The court held a hearing on the dispute in September 2021, and on May 2, 2022 issued a minute order requiring the FBI to file
a supplemental memorandum of up to 5 pages, supported by affidavit or declaration, explaining the positions and seniority held by any persons whose names are redacted from the “CC:” section of the document.
“The Biden administration is still covering up who was involved in the Obama administration’s unprecedented and illicit spying on Donald J. Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This court decision is another step forward in accountability for the worst government corruption scandal in American history.”
In support of its position, Judicial Watch provided the Court with two declarations by Kevin Brock, former assistant director of the Directorate of Intelligence and former FBI principal deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Brock testified that it is not standard procedure to have an EC drafted, approved, and sent to and from a single agent and that doing so violates FBI oversight protocols:
In the EC document here, the “From” line indicates the EC – and authorization to begin an investigation as required under FBI policy – is from a part of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. The contact listed is Peter Strzok. The EC was drafted by Peter Strzok. The EC was approved by Peter Strzok. On the face of the document produced, it appears the EC that initiated a criminal FARA investigation of unidentified members of the Trump presidential campaign was created by Peter Strzok, approved by Peter Strzok, and sent from Peter Strzok to Peter Strzok. This is not usual procedure.
FBI policy prohibits an agent from initiating and approving his or her own case. Such action violates FBI oversight protocols put in place to protect the American people from an FBI agent acting unilaterally.
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