Star of David is the "Seal of Solomon"
I've heard many Jews don't use it and it isn't any official emblem of Judaism.
The two opposite facing triangles represent involution and evolution; two opposite principles;
one is descent from the spiritual realm 'above' to life on Earth.
The other is evolution from life on Earth back to the spiritual realm.
Solomon was said to have been an occultist and King.
Who knows the real history? (To get the best handle on actual history rather than fantasy I suggest learning Russian and starting in on the hundred plus books by the team of Anatoly Fomenko and his co-workers/ research group.)
For their scientific and mathematical analysis of the complete set of historical chronicles extent, they have shown the entire Biblical narrative, both "Old and "New Testament took place after 1000 Ad, and much of it in what in the false chronology most people follow is refered to as the "Middle Ages".
The occultist phrase associated with the opposite forces of the two triangles is
"As Above, So below"
Earth is a reflexional of the Spiritual Realm and vis versa.
"As There, So Here"
"As Here, So There"
somehow connects to '666' which refers to our solar star, the Sun, according to some readings of numerology.
kinda makes sense because Sun was worshipped and seems even now, modern cultists secretly worship it
SOL is the Sun
the Son
the SUN
doubt that's an accident.
reading recently occultist Rudolf Steiner who draws on Blavatsky and the Theosophists, says true history (according to them) is that humans here are related to beings who live on the Sun.
just sayn
And the humans here 'fell' from the Sun, like the myth of Lucifer angel (light bringer) (relation to Prometheus; stole fire, brought it from the sky?)
People found a game about 'solomon's key' which seems to show a sigel of Saturn. picrel
sometimes things are hidden in games and comics so I include it.
another connect; the FreeMasons with the Temple of Solomon
looking for graphic now which connects SOl Sol to 666