yeah, i was gonna go to bed early. not now
>Via a hardcode in the 8kun site code.
>Fred Brennan pointed out that the code exists if the site admins wanted to use it.
you can find the code snippets in picrelated on the PUBLIC GITHUB for 8kun
but yes
cripplecoder pointed it out
give up, liz, you're on your way out
Watch the video anon. It's got all of the Hollywood ilk on there.
Dem TX Rep Al Green on Fox on Capitol riot & 1/6 hearing:
There is enough probable cause here to arrest.
I think the Justice Department is really what's on trial right now, because the Justice Department has got to take action. You cannot allow this kind of behavior to exist
Gay Mafia is real & made everyone believe everything said is in jest & if you take their own words seriously, then you are a white supremacist nazi whatever-overly-used-word-is-popular
Judicial Watch Uncovers Dozens of Records of Illegal Molecular Research!
JUNE 06, 2022
Judicial Watch announced today that it received 2369 pages of records from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealing over two dozen cases where research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid (r/sNA) molecules was conducted in America without proper approval and in violation of NIH guidelines.
Recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid (r/sNA) molecules are constructed outside of living cells. The molecules are made by joining DNA or RNA segments (natural or synthetic) to DNA or RNA molecules that can replicate within a living cell. They may also result from replication of previously constructed recombinant molecules.
NIH guidelines detail safety practices and containment procedures for basic and clinical research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules – including the creation and use of organisms and viruses containing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules. These guidelines require that any significant problems, violations, or any significant research-related accidents and illnesses be reported to NIH within 30 days.
The documents further showed that the research, which occurred at Biosafety Level 1/2/3 laboratories, led to dozens of dangerous mishaps, accidents, and spills.
You know it, she seems to be moar afraid of man than God.
something in this tiktok will make you laugh your ass off
watch untill he does his hats
that is when i cracked up
the face
hahahhaa mental illness and cameras everywhere
he says
happy earth day
Inflation already breaking. CPI is a rearward looking data point. Commodity (and transport) already collapsing from inability to finance any leveraged trading of same, for sport. Producers back in driver's seat with "hedge" trade.