b/c you have a lot of holes……
> “Foegen Effect”
>I knew that there was some sinister reason for the BS Masks…other than a visual sign/showing of compliance/ Bending over for the DS
>The Foegen effect: A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate-2/18/22
> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35363218/
>The Foegen effect
>A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate
>Study: Mask mandates increase death rate
>May 31, 2022 — The author's theory, dubbed the “Foegen effect,” is that the masks make the COVID-19 virions smaller, allowing them to spread deeper into the lungs
Meh. You're not giving me enough comedic material. Try again.
>Britain offers full pardons to all American rebels who turn themselves in. The amnesty does little to reverse the widening crisis.
Thanks anon. When you replied to a post showing Meadows and Dan I first thought you were saying Peter N. broke them. I said that can't be right so I asked. YES! I agree, Peter Navarro broke the sick bastards & whores, otherwise known as the House Select Committee on Jan. 6. 07