also mentions burning harry potter books. Kinda cool to see someone flip the western narrative of promoting the secret society/vampire culture. And how if you aren't with the programming, then you are the one that needs "Rehabilitation" .
also mentions burning harry potter books. Kinda cool to see someone flip the western narrative of promoting the secret society/vampire culture. And how if you aren't with the programming, then you are the one that needs "Rehabilitation" .
all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.
>you just made the list..
proud to say i made the list in 2007 during the Ron Paul MySpace Meme Wars
for real, DHS came calling
This Q proof is exhausting…. Reminds me of the OSS days… Also exhausting…
My faith lies in one place only. God… And by God I mean The Father, Jesus Christ, And the Holy Spirit…. If you're a believer, we need to remember to have faith like a child….
My childlike faith gives me the same feelings many have felt. This world is being ripped from the hands of the devil and we are experiencing the death cries of evil as the devil loses control and we all turn our eyes to the almighty.
Roe V Wade overturned was special. The momentum is shifting, the crescendo is coming and it feels like it's happening quicker each day. Maxwell, red wave, epic Supreme court decisions, Fauci exposed, good people waking up and speaking out…. All point to God prying this world's eyes open to the truth.
Trump, Q, Anons, all played a part… But it was God's will. We're the tools. Q or fake Q…. Brought attention back to this board. Shills abound… Media attention. Eyes on our Memes and important questions being asked.
As trump knows well, all media is good media…. Q or Fake Q, we are in the spotlight and we need to embrace that.
God works how he will. A version of Q was used by his hand to continue the pendulum swing.
When Q is confirmed or proven a fake, it will be because it's part of God's will and the arguing over it is silly.
Have the faith of a child anons. Watch the plan unfold and enjoy the ride knowing we are all saved while trying to save as many as we can on this journey.
If your skill is proving Q's existence with salt and tripcodes, then use your god given skill… But don't divide. Wait until you know you're right. Not speculation. We lose eyes. We lose momentum. Prove it undoubtedly
In the meantime. I'm grateful for the attention this board is now receiving. Whether from fake Q or real Q
In Christ's name I persevere