Would that be Debbie Wassermann-Schultz?
Beware of knowledge. Has anyone ever considered that the beauty of intimacy between two people is destroyed, not enhanced by knowledge? Knowing the mechanics doesn't lead to an enhanced experience - rather it leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction about "not measuring up" in some way. Innocence really is beauty.
Love covers a multitude of sins and your acceptance of her as she is could be the key. It may sound unfashionably sexist but I've lived long enough to have observe the following generality: when men take responsibility for initiating/giving love to their spouse (by which I mean "doing the loving thing" not the feeling) a woman will multiply that love and return it to the giver and spread it abroad to all the members of her household.
What date? He could have been extracted between then and now, yes/no?
And that, my friend, is the essence of love.