It memes satan is all out of ideas and is just throwing any shit at the wall…
WAs this jew a shill?
>white knight d4 to e6 take black pawn
Black Knight on D7 Captures Queen on E5
>What part of this Satanic Depopulation Agenda don't you understand?
The why part.
What do they get out of it? They make the world in their image (shit) and end up killing themselves eternally. They will gain nothing and lose everything and they fight for that as if their lives depend on it, they fight for their very death. Absurd.
These people are losing their minds. Demon possessed to the point of sheer insanity
Here’s chapmans link
DJT: "This is not just a political problem, it's a spiritual problem. It's true. For the radical left, politics has become their religion. It has warped their sense of right and wrong, they don't have a sense of right and wrong,{true and false} {right and wrong} {good and evil}."
Q+ referencing the radical left cult's willingness to implement dialectic 'problem -reaction -> solution' narrative enslavements no matter how false, wrong, or evil it is.