They converted, like the daughter of Trump.
no, its more like a homeless shelter and noone here owes you anything. its all given out of the graciousness of hearts and as is fitting, you are behaving like an ungrateful pos who is hell bent on ruining everyone elses stay. but it takes all kinds to make a world. so??
… chuck on the white one
it was fake but it was liked 300 thousand times and the libs are furious over on twitter
also they are roasting miss lindsey for tweeting in support of noname getting an award
the hate the faggot (now that pride month is over) and are supporting a war criminal now
the whole left has gone nuts
kek – i like it
What are the odds that the real suspect is a 6' 6" black dude with a red shirt?
>Dementia Ridden idiot gonna address the Nation at 12:30PM regarding the Roe V. Wade ruling
Any bets on what the pedo Resident moron is going to say?
Oh absolutely. I love the guidance of the angels, I don't think my guardians name is Victoria though.
I have a very devout Christian friend named Victoria though, she's a sweetheart
Fascinating. I need to look into this
B-1B Lancers fly in formation over the #PacificOcean during a Bomber Task Force mission. #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific #Readiness #Lethality
📸: MSgt. Nicholas Priest
never knew hella was regional
(norcal born and raised - staying to fight behind enemy lines)
Little? why not child? I hate these fucks i hate them