Eveyone knows about Boebert's past. The photos from her early modeling days have been shared here (no nudes). Nobody gives a shit. MTG shacked up with gymmates according to every one of them that was interviewed on local news. Guess what, folks?! People like sex, and being sexy. Who gives a fuck. The right really needs to get over their hang ups over sex and stop letting this bullshit be a momentum killer.
boy I messed up my posting.
I never saw the picture but looking at the trailer this one. That was almost a shocker complete with a tirans clown! KEK It sure would go over well today
>Standing by the wall (By the wall)
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
Fantastic beasts: the secrets of dumbledore
Watch the movie and see how many parallels there are to the current situation!
Even homosexuality is propagated with the fact that the main actors and opponents had a gay relationship. …in a fantasy movie!? My goodness how far will they go?
TBIYTC 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💥 NCSWIC Nothing💥🌪⛈:
The Q is Trump Going to run for President
Why Trump run first 2000 for President
17 years later Trump is President
Exectly 17
17 Q
Q would like Trump to run for president again
In the time 2016
New Q poll out- we are going to win the whole deal- and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
In the time 2017
Oct 28th 2017
Best consecutive Q's in years!
When is the first Q Drop
Think on Q Drops
Q Drop 1 start Oct 28 2017
4:44:28 PM
Trump Twitter Archive Post
Best consecutive Q's in years!
Oct 28 2017
8:22:12 AM
Trump Confirmed Q Board
oct 28 2017 8:22:12 AM time stamp oct 28 2017 16:44:28 PM
Time Stamp 8h :22min :16sec.
3.0 Best Q's in years
Q start 2017
Q End 2020
Exectly 3 years
Trump Confirmed all Q's Tripcode
Election Wizard, [17.06.22 17:52]
TRUMP: “These extremists are consumed with resentment, envy, intolerance, bigotry, malice, and even rage. This is not just a political problem, this is a spiritual problem.”
You are exactly why this movement was started.