>using a ballpoint pen b4 it was invented
Sauce this claim, otherwise it's fake and gay, and if you want to go muh BKA in Germany, then this is what they actually found:
Regarding the purpose and content of the 1980 expert opinion, the BKA clarifies the following:
the expert opinion, in accordance with the order of the LG HH, dealt only with the question of whether the writing material used to record the diaries - writing paper and writing materials - was in common use during the years of World War II.
This is confirmed in the expert opinion without any doubt as given. 2.
2 According to the expert opinion, additional inscriptions found on the original diary sheets, so-called correction inscriptions, were applied with a ballpoint pen paste that was not in use until 1951.
Apparently, these are subsequently made editorial notes or corrections by another editor.
The 1980 expert opinion of the BKA states that paper and writing materials used for the actual text of the diaries were available and commercially available during the relevant period.
This expert opinion did not make any further findings, in particular regarding the authorship of the diaries.
The BKA emphasizes: The expert opinion of the Forensic Institute of 1980 cannot be used to cast doubt on the authenticity of the diaries of Anne Frank.
The BKA distances itself resolutely from any speculation in this direction.
I just got a freedom boner
You mean like "Ha ha God, you can't kill our deviant asses with another flood and now we shall mock you by making the rainbow flag our symbol" ?
I would not recommend this strategy. These people are stupid.
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump
07/05/2022 17:29:16
Truth Social: 108596858502336535
I can't imagine what the boys' families must have endured all these years. Lose your child and then have Depp come along with his clown posse and set the killers free after a conviction.