16 dropped the cup
So, you follow the Hebrew Messiah, the son of Jehova, as dictated to you by New Testament Ideology?
Love a God that allows you and your kids to be enslaved, raped, murdered and made to live in misery
Love your neighbor who commits slavery, rape, murder and misery
Abide a government that enslaves, murders, rapes, and steals from you for spreading misery all over the world
That's some shitty law.
A m-m-m…..
>demand to know who runs this board.
2 posts below yours.
The same org that employs that guy.
one thing about Christianity
its morals are far superior
to religions that dessicrate humanity
one such phrase
"not one sparrow falls that God does not know
even the hairs of your head are numbered"
it teaches us how to be enlightened
and merciful beings
where otherewise we are nothing but beasts
Q said a lot of shit that never happened
The phenomenon unnerved the Global Elites enough to fast track a three-satellite "Swarm" Mission (launched in 2013) to specifically TRACK the acceleration of The Shift. Of course, nothing public about Swarm discloses ANYTHING about The Shift:
"European Space Agency Swarm Mission
ESA's magnetic field mission
The mission
ESA’s three-satellite Swarm mission is dedicated to unravelling one of the most mysterious aspects of our planet: the magnetic field. Although invisible, the magnetic field and electric currents in and around Earth generate complex forces that have immeasurable impact on everyday life. By analysing the different characteristics of the observed field, Swarm will lead to new insight into many natural processes, from those occurring deep inside the planet to weather in space caused by solar activity.
The launch
Date: 22 November 2013
Site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia
Launcher: Rockot"
I never said it was the only factor or even the most important one for the creation of the Rothschild founded Israel, but it is undeniable that the Haavara Agreement HELPED the Rothschild create Israel, which was what I said. So now the so called white hats will have to kill them all and legally deport or hang all zionists, and if those so called white hats are impotent or unwilling to do that, then the people will have t be the ones doing it when civil war starts.
Again, I'm not one to take anything at face value. I would be silly to considering all the copycats and shills, etc. So how about a confirmation of sorts. His Majesty Twelve refers to Drop 3614 - which has 1773 in the ID c31773 (device ID).
Easy to win, when you're the only one playing.
[You] up Jeffy?