To invent something?
Or to invade something?
Also why would FCC help they are captured by the Smith Mundt treason.
They won't help. they will DENY RF is a weapon.
Baking soon, call em out
He wasn't lying.
Ride it out. 10 days she'll be better.
Elderberry juice and tablets not cheap but work. Along with pain relievers and rest.
Ivermectin at any tractor supply store. Its the flu. Tell her not be a sissy.
[disney] rights
What is a person?
What is a corporation?
What are they really?
am I getting the RIGGED & STOLLEN thing right from Q+?
anons seemed to have focussed moar on STOLLEN, but could RIGGED be RIG FOR RED?
STOLLEN โ German XMAS bread
Merry Christmas, faggots decode brings in Gen Flynn and Durham (boats, Washington's surprise XMAS day attack crossing the Delaware)
in the upper right of graphic by Gen Flynn re: error in birth date, there is a :19 delta. [19] refers to select individuals in Q drops (bad actors) - e.g., Q618. does Q3800 (Washington crossing the Delaware in Durham boat) allude to this in that 3800 = [19]00 x 2?
on the XMAS/Durham (boat) thing, Q3784 states:
Barr Durham
Is STOLLEN ultimately referring to DECLAS by Durham, in that it's both an allusion to Washington crossing the Delaware and an early XMAS present for anons? (Gen Flynn's birthday is XMAS eve - who knows where the bodies are buried, Q260?)
is there a link between the German aspect of STOLLEN and the Frankfurt server raid? Both relate to 2020 election steal.
trying to maintain SA / FL600 view. thx.
A) Down payment on car
B) Ounce of gold plus 20 or so Oz's of silver
C) AR-10
Only heirloom cattle for me.
this is worse than the HBO special
and partners located and recovered 70 missing children in West Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth, Colorado and Mexico during 3-week Operation Lost Souls. 10- to 17-year-olds included victims of sex trafficking, and physical and sexual abuse:
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simultaneously legend and viral. go.
the self confirmation has never been so strong.
Walk Like An Egyptian
This movie is like one of those long boring Mini Series that you keep watching, thinking that something interdasting is bound to happen eventually, but it never does.