Anonymous ID: 51afd8 July 28, 2022, 1:51 a.m. No.16887265   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4696 >>4588



The eventual return of Donald Trump to the White House would allow for real peace negotiations, once the deep state has been eradicated from the Administration and government agencies. But the reconstruction will certainly require the collaboration and sacrifices of everyone, and a solid spiritual vision that inspires the reconstruction of the social fabric. If all of this has happened through the demonstrated electoral fraud of the last Presidential election, Trump’s victory would be even more striking and would have strong repercussions on the ramifications of the deep state in Europe and in particular in Italy.


In any case, the mid-term elections could allow the Republicans to have a majority in the House and in the Senate, once the servants of the deep state – including first of all the “neo-cons” – have been ousted.


The failure of the effort to blame Trump for the farce of the assault on the Capitol ought to dissuade its organizers – among whom we cannot fail to number Nancy Pelosi – from trying to replicate the scene next fall, which would fall into the grotesque, in addition to being a case of déjà vu.


So has the Great Reset failed? Can we sing a victory song?


A victory song can be sung only when the war has been won. The Great Reset is ontologically destined for failure, because it is inspired by inhuman and diabolical principles. But its end, however inevitable, may still take some time, depending on our capacity to oppose it and also what is contained in the plans of Divine Providence.


If the Lord wants to grant us a truce, a period of peace after we have understood how horrible is the hell on earth that the enemies of God and man desire, then we must commit ourselves to rebuild – not “build back better” but just the opposite – yes, rebuild what has been destroyed: the family, the bond of marriage, the moral education of children, love for our country, dedication to hard work, and fraternal charity, especially towards those who are the most defenseless and needy. We must reaffirm the holiness and untouchable sanctity of life from conception to natural death; defending the complementary nature of the two sexes against the insanity of gender ideology, protecting children from corruption and guaranteeing the innocence to which they are entitled. We must finally set aside the logic of profit – which is typical of the liberal mentality – in order to regain the pride of fulfilling our duty even when no one is watching us, of producing what we make in a professional mannerand selling it at an honest price. And we must stop considering ourselves inferior simply because someone has decided that in their godless model of dystopian society being honest, loyal, sincere, and God-fearing is something to be ashamed of. The ones who ought to be ashamed, rather, are those who call for the killing of children and the elderly, the planned extermination of the population through wicked vaccine campaigns, mass sterilization, sodomy, pedophilia, and all the most deviant aberrations.


Your Excellency, do you believe that the world can return to God?


The world can and must return to God: this is a necessity dictated by the divine order that the Creator has imprinted on creation. It must return to God, because only where Christ reigns can there by true justice and true peace. And the world can do this, but not in a collectivist or communitarian vision in which individuals disappear into the mass, but rather in a personal and individual vision, in which each one of us freely recognizes that nothing can be better than what Our Heavenly Father has prepared for us, since He loves us and wants to make us sharers in His glory.


If we all return to God, our Nations will also recognize His Lordship and will conform their laws to His Law. Let us pray therefore that what the Psalmist sings may be realized: Laudate Dominum omnes gentes; laudate eum omnes populi (Ps 116:1)– Praise the Lord, all you nations, praise him all you peoples. Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia ejus; et veritas Domini manet in æternum (Ps 116:2) – For his Mercy is confirmed upon us, and the Truth of the Lord remains forever.


  • Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

21 June 2022, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
