>12 and 0
>21 and 0
fill er up
Even if he did do any of the things that they are accusing him of doing. At least he doesn't sniff and rape kids the way that Biden does.
Whatever you need to convince yourself with, baker. Carry on.
Why does Mr Pig bother you so much?
Because TPTB have been cheating in elections for decades. They were cheating when votes were hand counted as well.
Dems. can't win if they don't cheat.
They just made it easier for themselves when they went with the electronic cheat system.
But when they thought that might not work, because it might get intercepted by White Hats, they went back to the Old School way of cheating as well.
They cheat every which way they can think of.
And they never get busted for it because they own the Mayors, the Police Chiefs, the Prosecutors, the Judges, etc.
What do you think they needed all of those honey pot traps for? To blackmail everyone who would stand in their way of cheating.
>Lotta effs
Kek. Like school days again! Or how many F-bombs anon drops before getting out of bed.