>Because this last Q post has nothing new and is after the fact.
Literally thrown together after they got called out. Pathetic and 100% proof that they took over Q's trip. Even Doge showed up.
>Because this last Q post has nothing new and is after the fact.
Literally thrown together after they got called out. Pathetic and 100% proof that they took over Q's trip. Even Doge showed up.
The universe might be thought of as the song of God..
We all play a contributing role in the creation and unfolding character of this music, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we feel sufficiently ready or not, whether or not our voices or our skills with our specific instruments are worthy. This is free will:
We can seek to emulate the perfect harmonious tone of our creator to the best of our ability, or strike a dissonant and discordant tone of our own self-interested creation.
When we find kindred spirits, we're said to 'resonate', and be 'on the same frequency'.. when we communicate something of profound depth and truth, we're said to 'strike a chord' in those with ears to hear. A collection of voices on the same page, in perfect unison and harmony and guided by a conductor who, in turn, is guided from above, can't help but create beautiful music. A choir of voices produces a more powerful magic than any one single voice could hope to manifest, in part because the unified multitude represent slight variations on a theme.. and only in the cumulative effects of several voices can this theme hope to attain its clearest and most potent expression - smoothing out errors, correcting for extremes and outliers, figuratively gesturing toward an all-important center point.
Any conductor not guided by the spirit of God becomes an organ of chaos and disharmony - a bad creator, serving to destroy and obfuscate the beautiful and natural melodic flow, and create discordant and unnatural ugliness in its place..
We live in an age currently dominated by pretentious conductors with no lofty music in their souls, incapable of hearing the song within, attempting to create their own music from scratch.. an effort not just doomed to fail, but to fail miserably, painfully, totally.
This is transitory - bad music never stands the test of time, and the echoes of something vastly superior are on the horizon.
those could be true statements, but the only one that rings the bell is the italian satellite portion. It was internet/communication infra based, iirc (which I may not, /shrug)
So the Great Depression kick started our Country on the Road to Socialism.
And WWII kick started the Feminist Movement
Propaganda was created specifically to target those women who had never before held a job or had even considered joining the work force. Posters and films glamorized the roles of working women, portraying such jobs as extraordinary and women as attractive an confident. These posters reassured women that they could easily maintain their femininity while fulfilling their duties and helping their country. Posters came in all different sizes, ranging from small table-top displays to roadside billboards (12). They were produced under the supervision of the Office of War Information, which coordinated with various organizations to get the message out quickly and effectively. Groups such as the WASPs, WAVES and WAAC used propaganda posters to promote the message of women joining the workforce.
The armed services presented female recruits as very "feminine" and promoted the idea that military work would not make women "masculine" or ruin their moral character. A guidebook for women in the armed services and war industries included a photograph of a young WAVE with the caption describing her as "pretty as her picture… in the trim uniform that enlisted U.S Navy Waves will wear in winter… smartly-styled, comfortable uniforms… with a soft rolled-brim hat"
I would hate to see anyone wrongly imprissoned
although I am not sure how that relevent to Jims statements about this fiasco of alleged Q posts