Many websites worldwide unreachable due to Cloudflare malfunction | NOW
A malfunction at internet company Cloudflare ensures that many services and websites are not or barely accessible on Tuesday. The site of Qmusic, Thuisbezorgd, NPO Start, password manager Dashlane and servers of chat app Discord have been affected, among others. cloudflare says sites will be back to visit soon.
Cloudflare claims to have found the cause of the error and has implemented a solution. As a result, websites come back online. The company previously reported that users may experience error messages and outages when they try to access services or websites.
It is not clear at this time what caused the outage. It is also unknown how many websites have been affected. The service writes that not everyone is affected by the problems. Millions of websites worldwide use Cloudflare services.
On websites affected by the outage, users will see an error message. Some sites seem to load partially, but many web pages are not reachable at all.