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>soy soy soy


Is Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO soy making you sick?

Posted by: Dr. Allan Spreen, MD on May 29 2014


When it comes to the nightmare that is Roundup Ready GMO soy, despite cries of paranoia from the mainstream press, I’ve been warning you about the growing evidence of risk for years.


Researchers have now confirmed that Monsanto’s herbicide darling, Roundup, is indeed making its way into the food you put on your table. And the number one road of transport from the package, to the plate, to your belly is likely none other than that GMO soy.


Prior to the start of World War II in the late 1930s, soy wasn’t that big of a factor here in the United States. And although the crop grew in popularity after that, for a long time it was mainly used for animal feed. Now, the majority of the crops are being made into soybean meal (still primarily used for animal consumption) and oil (more on this in a moment).


In fact, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that soy’s popularity truly exploded. Suddenly soy started getting top billing on food labels. It was being featured in everything from breakfast foods to desserts, and soy was unquestionably shaping up to be Big Food’s “It Food” of the decade.


And you’ll never guess who’s largely credited with shy soy’s miraculous makeover into a health-food vixen. It was none other than our “friends” over at the Food and Drug Administration.


In 1999 the FDA officially recognized the cholesterol-lowering effects of soy protein. Big Food’s marketers were then able to make the claim that 25 grams of soy protein a day could reduce your risk of heart disease… and Boy Howdy did they ever run with it.


The only problem is those bright green legumes are hiding more than a few bad-nutrition secrets.


They contain a substance called hemagglutinin that causes red blood cells to clump up, making it harder for them to effectively do their job of absorbing and distributing oxygen to the tissues in your body. And another one that inhibits the enzymes you need to digest proteins properly. Not to mention that soy has been linked to a number of food allergies.


And this was true even BEFORE Monsanto got its greedy grubby paws on the stuff and started messing around with its genetic code.


But don’t be fooled by the food labels.


Even when you don’t see soy lurking on a label, if it’s a processed food, chances are it’s in there. Remember earlier when I told you that the majority of soy crops are now being made into soybean meal and oil? If a food label lists “vegetable oil,” chances are very good that it’s soybean. In fact, soy accounts for 61 percent of vegetable-oil consumption in the U.S.


And that “vegetable oil” has a high omega-6 content, which promotes inflammation when it’s not properly balanced with omega-3s. I bet I don’t have to tell you what omega American’s are typically severely lacking. (For more names GMO soy hides under on food labels click here.)

Roundup chemicals linked to cancer and more


But wait, it gets worse. Soy, which is now the second largest crop here in the states after corn, has been put in a stranglehold by the chemical industry. Shockingly, more than 90 percent of soybeans being grown on U.S. farms are genetically modified to withstand drenching in herbicide chemicals—mainly Monsanto’s Roundup.


And now a new study, published in the journal Food Chemistry, has confirmed that glyphosate residues (the active ingredient in Roundup)—and AMPA, an acid into which glyphosate breaks down—were lurking in ALL ten of the GMO soy samples they tested. And the levels of this creepy chemical are even higher than what Monsanto’s OWN scientists have called “extreme.”


We’re still in the process of figuring out all the bad effects glyphosate could have on our health, but just last year a bombshell study, published in the journal Entropy, linked glyphosates to Parkinson’s, infertility and cancer. In a chilling line from the study, MIT researchers referred to glyphosate’s negative impact on our health as “insidious,” saying it “…manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.”


If you eat any processed foods, it’s nearly impossible to avoid all GMO soy these days. '''(8 years ago…much worse today)