Anonymous ID: 0b8d99 July 28, 2022, 3:06 a.m. No.16893977   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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A Better Way to Pray

Prayer is something that every Christian knows they need to do but very few Christians feel like the…


A Sure Foundation

This series is a summary of the first four teachings Andrew gives in the U.S. Charis Bible College….


Anger Management

Every person deals with anger. There is no escaping it. But are we dealing with our anger the way Go…


Are You Satisfied with Jesus?

The disciples connected with Jesus through their senses more than their spirit. We need to avoid tha…


As I Have Loved You

Jesus commanded that you love others the way He loves you. Most Christians think that is impossible…


Authority Series

This series shares what every believer needs to know about their authority. Authority and spiritual…


Christian First-Aid Kit

When you're facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said to His disciples in John 14:1, the night befor…


Christian Philosophy

Everyone views life through a filter. For example, an optimist sees opportunity where a pessimist se…


Christian Survival Kit

This series is a verse-by-verse teaching from John, chapters 14, 15, and 16. These are Jesus' instru…


Church Discipline

In this teaching Andrew gives the Biblical model and definition of church discipline. Through a thor…


Discipleship Evangelism

Many evangelists realize that only about 15 percent of those who claim to accept Jesus continue in t…


Discipleship: The Path to Freedom

If you always thought believers and disciples were one and the same, you might be shocked to find ou…


Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God

Many Christians' experiences are that they are leaky vessels. Whatever they receive from God soon le…


Don't Limit God

If you want to learn to see yourself the way God sees you, and move from small thinking to seeing yo…


Don't Limit God: Twenty Years Later

You have an image on the inside of you—an image of who you are and what you can do. That image is al…


Dwelling in God's Presence

Most of the promises of God—probably more than you realize—are conditional upon abiding in His prese…


Effortless Change

Change is one of the few constants in life. Yet, many people resist change because they believe it h…



Most people desire promotion, but not everyone receives it. Is that you? The Scriptures show how an…


Faith Builders

Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Faith is our victory that overcomes the wo…


Faith Series

Faith is based on knowledge (2 Pet 1:3); therefore, a proper understanding of what God's Word says o…


Family Series

Satan has launched an all-out assault on families. However, God created the family, and He has the p…


Fear of the Lord

If I was to quote the part of 1 John 4:18 that says perfect love casts out fear, I imagine I would g…


Finance Series

This series covers proper New Testament giving and how to receive prosperity. What does the Bible sa…


Financial Stewardship

When you learn to handle your finances God’s way, you will have the key to unlocking His blessing in…


General Teaching Series

This series covers many miscellaneous topics. These single teachings address a variety of subjects t…


God Wants You Well

Many people find it difficult to believe that God wants them well. When they experience something th…


God Wants You to Succeed

Success is doing what God calls you to do. However, His picture of success won't sovereignly come to…


God and Country

Many Christians know very little about how to restore America to its godly heritage. But you can't r…


God's Kind of Love Through You

Once you understand how much God loves you, it will compel you to allow God's love to flow through y…


God's Kind of Love to You

If asked the question, is our heavenly Father a God of love, most Christians would answer yes. If as…


God's Kind of Love: The Cure for What Ails Ya!

Most teaching on the love of God is all about how we should love others. While that is certainly app…