"You can be part of something big and special!" - Would he shooter's 'therapist'.
Peter Navarro's is going to court. He's going to subpoena Hillary, Adam Schitt, Merrick Garland, Nancy Pelosi, you name em.
Meet The New HP Police Chief
HIGHLAND PARK – Louis E. Jogmen will fill big shoes when he replaces beloved Highland Park Police Chief Paul Shafer on February 23. Shafer retired after 14 years of service in Highland Park on August 2. Police Chief Mark Fleischhauer has served in the interim.
I suppose if there's a will there's a way. Nothing is truly secure. Potato's senate records are low interest to this Anon. I want the Full background from ~2004 to 6/17/22 on Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry 'Raspberry Beret' Soetoro) (aka Kenya Diggit).
That sucks.
I guess if there was a void, it was bound to be filled.
How could that have been prevented, I wonder?
Maybe get to the root of the problem instead?
Maybe he didn't go deep enough.